

Request a wholesale catalogue

If you are interested in stocking Jess A Little Creative greeting cards in your shop or on your website, please drop me an email on hello@jessalittlecreative.com and I can send you a wholesale catalogue.

You can also shop directly on Faire if you'd prefer.

Thank you! Jess x


Current stockists

The Cotswold Box Company, Milton under Wychwood

The Cotswold Eco Company, Cheltenham

Eco-Able, 8 Silver Street, Cirencester, GL7 2BL

Shop Indie, 17 Steeplegate, Chesterfield, S40 1SA

Treehouse IM Shop, Isle of Man

Cynde Wellbeing Store, 3 Windsor St, Burbage, Hinckley LE10 2EB

Art Union, 1 Gaumont Parade, Winchcombe St, Cheltenham, GL52 2NE

Know & Love, 176 Stoke Newington Church Street, London, N16 0JL

Script Haven, 104 High Street, Worcester, WR1 2HW

Hopes of LongtownThe Farmers Barn, Longtown, Hereford, HR2 0LT

in klöver, 2-4 Ballynahinch Street, Hillsborough, County Down, BT26 6AW