76 Creative, Mindful Activities To Do Instead Of Doomscrolling On Instagram
Instagram (and social media in general) can feel completely addictive, and pretty hard to step away from. We all know too much time staring at a screen or device is bad for our wellbeing, and yet it can be so bloomin’ difficult to break the doomscrolling cycle.
I run a small greeting card business, Jess A Little Creative, and during my first few years as a small business, Instagram was crucial to my growth. It really helped me spread the word about my greeting card business, and attract new customers.
But over the years, I lost the love for Instagram. It was having a negative impact on my wellbeing, and I realised that social media was just not a place I wanted to be. I wanted real connection, more creativity, and much less screen time. So last year I quit Instagram.
(You can read more about why I quit Instagram in 2024 here).
I’m not suggesting everyone goes and quits social media, I totally appreciate my decision was extreme. But if you are seeking more connection, more joy, and more creativity in your life (and if you’re reading this article I’m pretty sure you are), then consider reducing the time you spend doomscrolling, by increasing the time you spend on mindful, creative and joyful activities.
There are so many beautiful ways to spend your time on this planet, which will do your physical and mental health the world of good, and don’t involve social media. But it can be hard to get inspired to do other things when the social media and smartphone addiction is weighing you down.
So today I am sharing 76 creative, mindful activities to do instead of doomscrolling on Instagram, to help get you started. Pick your favourites from this list, grab a pal, and get ready to feel more connected, more creative, and more inspired.

Indoor activities to do instead of social media
1. Read a book.
Reading is SUCH an easy swap from social media, and just a lovely hobby to have. I’m an avid user of my local library in Cheltenham, and generally have 4 or 5 books on loan at any one time.
Some recent favourites of mine have been ‘We Solve Murders’ by Richard Osman, ‘The Comfort Book’ by Matt Haig, and I’m currently reading ‘Atomic Habits’ by James Clear.
Swapping a 10 minute scroll on social media, with a 10 minute read of a book, will be so beneficial to you and your wellbeing.
2. Play a board game.
3. Invite a friend over for a cuppa and some biscuits.
4. Ring someone you love.
A 10 minute chat on the phone with someone you love is going to lift you up waaay more than a 10 minute scroll on social media. And you never know, the person you ring might be stuck in their own doomscroll - you could end up making their day too.
5. Snuggle up and watch your favourite film or tv series under a blanket on the sofa.
6. Do a sudoku or crossword puzzle.
7. Watch a quiz show.
I am such a fan of quiz shows and game shows, they are just pure TV comfort and happiness. And I find it a nice way to watch TV with my partner or family, because we’re often discussing answers and talking about the questions. A million times better than scrolling on our phones and ignoring each other.
Some of our favourites include Richard Osman's House Of Games, Would I Lie To You? and Michael McIntyre's The Wheel.
8. Plan a party, or social gathering.
9. Watch a wholesome video on Youtube.
I love watching small business vlogs on Youtube, as they feel more real than a lot of other social media content, and help me connect with like-minded individuals. Have a search for some videos that will feel relevant, wholesome and interesting for you.
10. Have a film and snack night.
11. Enjoy a drink and chat with your partner (or whoever you live with) about your day when you get home.
12. Make a blanket fort.
Was this not just one of the most fun things to do as a child? I can still picture some of the epic blanket forts I built in the living room. But why does that have to stop as an adult? Have some fun, and enjoy the child-like freedom of building a blanket fort.
13. Play a video game.
14. Host a girly film night.
Gather some friends, get some wine and pizza, and enjoy watching girly movies all night. Such a fun and affordable way to hang out with your besties!

Activities you can do on your own instead of scrolling social media
15. Listen to music.
16. Do some yoga.
Yoga with Adriene on YouTube is my go-to. Adriene is calming, kind and funny, and she has an adorable dog Benji who is very often on screen with her which adds to the wholesome-ness of the experience.
It doesn’t have to be a mega difficult or long practice - just 15 minutes of yoga can give you a chance to breathe, disconnect from the outside world, and reconnect to yourself.
17. Listen to a podcast.
18. Have a declutter.
The idea of decluttering can feel boring and overwhelming, so just break it down. One drawer, one shelf, one cupboard at a time. That way, you can get it done in 10 minutes and feel loads better, all while avoiding a social media doomscroll.
19. Clean.
20. Treat yourself to a gorgeous long, hot bubble bath.
21. Paint your nails.
Sending You A Big Hug card, Jess A Little Creative
22. Write a letter.
It could be a letter to a friend, a family member, an old teacher, or even to yourself, but writing is so good for you. It’s a chance to connect using a non-digital medium, and just think how exciting it will be for the recipient to have an actual letter land on their doormat. Treat yourself to some fancy writing paper and stickers, and enjoy.
23. Have a go at learning a new language on Duolingo.
24. Unsubscribe from those spammy emails.
This is a great activity to do if you’re really struggling to take time away from your smartphone. You can still use it, but in a productive way instead!
Unsubscribe from all those emails which don’t bring you joy and clog up your inbox with nonsense, to allow more space for the emails you do want to receive, which make you feel good.
25. Take a nap.
Rest is vital. Do it.
26. Care for a house plant.
27. Practice mindfulness.
Whether you use an app like Headspace, follow a video on YouTube, or find another way to access the wonderful world of mindfulness, it is such a good way to reconnect with yourself and how you’re feeling in the present moment.
28. Apply a face mask.
29. Daydream about your goals and future.
Don’t overthink this, just have fun. So much time is spent comparing our life to others on social media. Stepping away from that allows space to connect back to exactly what it is that you want, which is so important. Don’t be afraid to dream big!

Outdoor activities to do instead of social media
30. Go for a walk (no headphones, just listen to the birds and the noises around you).
I am so lucky to live in Cheltenham, a beautiful town, and I try to get out for a walk every day to enjoy my surroundings. But even a quick 10 minute hop around the block can be a wonderful way to start or end your day, and avoid scrolling on social media.
Sometimes, the days I have felt least inspired to walk, have been the days I have seen the most beautiful rainbow or sunset, or bumped into a friend, and it’s totally turned my day around.
31. Look up at the stars.
32. Do a workout.
This will look different for everyone, but the best way to stay motivated with exercise is to find something you really love doing.
I enjoy a combination of weight training, yoga, and aerobics/dance type workouts, all of which I do at home via YouTube. But you may find signing up to a fitness class in your local town or joining a gym is what motivates you.
Find what’s good for you, and remember even just 15 minutes of exercise is so much more beneficial to your health and wellbeing, than sitting and scrolling on social media.
33. Watch the sunset.
34. Sit in the park and people watch.
35. Check out some live music in your local town.
36. Visit a tasty bakery for a treat.
Any Cheltenham folk who are reading this, I highly recommend La Boulangerie Artisan, for the best almond croissants you’ve ever tasted.
37. Visit a museum or gallery.
38. Go outside and take photos of the sky, the leaves, the birds… anything that inspires you.
If you aren’t in the habit of going for walks, and find it difficult to walk without a goal or destination in mind, try this.
Go out with the intention of taking some nice photos, under a certain theme. It could be the colour yellow, reflections, triangles etc. You might be surprised with how creative it makes you feel!
39. Go for a run.
40. Go on a day trip somewhere new.
41. Have a picnic.
This could just be in your back garden at home, it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. But there is something so lovely about eating outside, on a blanket. A chance to get some fresh air and enjoy some nice food, instead of being stuck inside scrolling on social media.
42. Toast marshmallows over a fire (please be careful around any flames).
43. Get a skipping rope and have a go!
44. Sit in the garden.
45. Do some volunteering with a friend.
Find somewhere that you and a friend would both be interested in and committed to helping out at and contact them to see what help they need (don’t just turn up - this could be more of a hindrance than a help even if done with the best intentions!).
Voluntary work is such a good way to show kindness, give back to your community, and ultimately make you feel better too. And guess what, it gets you away from the dreaded social media doomscroll!
46. Take yourself out on a coffee date.
47. Go to an art exhibition.
48. Visit a local market.

Quick 10 minute activities to do instead of scrolling Instagram
49. Journal.
Taking 5 minutes in the morning or evening to just write a sentence about how you’re feeling, is a vastly better way to start or end your day instead of scrolling on social media. It will connect you back to yourself, and give you a much needed moment of calm and peace.
50. Stretch.
51. Dance to your favourite song.
And I’m not talking about some timid two-step. I mean DANCE. Wave your arms around, jump and jiggle and wiggle and let it all go. Have fun!
52. Meditate.
Sending You So Much Love card, Jess A Little Creative
53. Write a greeting card to a friend.
Sending greeting cards or letters to friends and family is such a lovely alternative to messaging via your phone or social media. It'll increase your connection with your loved ones meaningfully and purposefully, and you’ll make their day too.
54. Chop up some fruit for a healthy snack.
55. Make your bed.
56. Light a candle and spend 5 minutes breathing deeply.
Please never leave a lit candle unattended.
57. Write down 3 things you are grateful for.
This is an activity to do every day. When things look bleak or feel particularly heavy, reminding yourself that there is goodness in your life is so important. It’ll allow you to see the bigger picture, and take the emphasis off any worries or fears you may have.
58. Tidy your desk.
59. Put away the dishes.
60. Fold your laundry.
OK, not the most exciting task, but 10 minutes spent folding and putting away laundry will make you feel more organised and accomplished, much better than doomscrolling.
61. Do the plank for 1 minute.
62. Light some incense.
63. Do 10 sit-ups.
64. Do some squats.
Even just a few squats can switch up your mindset and make you feel good, and there are lots of 30 day squat challenges available to follow if you need some accountability. Put your phone down, and wake your body up.
65. Write a to-do list to quieten your busy mind.

Creative things to do instead of doomscrolling Instagram
66. Do some colouring-in.
If you are slightly intimidated by the idea of doing something creative, colouring-in is a great place to start. It is such a fun and peaceful activity, and you really can’t mess it up or do it wrong. Get yourself some lovely markers and a beautiful colouring book, and enjoy some peaceful time to yourself.
67. Draw a picture.
68. Cook something tasty.
69. Do some knitting or crochet or cross stitch.
Keeping your hands busy, with a crafting activity like knitting or cross stitch, is a great way to avoid your fingers getting itchy and sneakily heading back to scrolling social media. See if you can find a friend or loved one who can teach you the basics of knitting or cross stitch, and see what fun things you can create.
70. Make a collage out of old magazines.
71. Find an easy craft project on Pinterest.
I find so much of my craft project inspiration on Pinterest, there are endless ideas! Whether you want to make decorations, wreaths, wall hangings, or cute characters, there are lots of easy tutorials to inspire you to get crafting.
72. Do a jigsaw puzzle.
73. Bake.
Cake generally always makes things better.
74. Research some art, craft or exercise classes happening near you and sign up to one.
75. Learn something new with Skillshare, or a similar platform.

And a final, bonus activity for you…
76. Nothing.
Do absolutely nothing instead of scrolling on social media. Just sit and be. It’s something a lot of people really struggle with these days. Learn to be in the moment, and know that not every moment needs to be productive. Have fun daydreaming.
Et voila, there are 76 creative, mindful activities you can do instead of doomscrolling on Instagram. I totally get that it can be hard to step away from social media, but if it’s making you feel bad, or you’re craving more connection or creativity in your life, swapping your multiple social media scrolls with a few of these activities will make you feel so much better.
I really hope they help, and allow you to let some more joy, fun, connection and love into your life!
Feel free to follow me on Pinterest, or join my mailing list, to follow along with my small business journey.
Lots of love,
Jess x